- 1° step : kernel installation -

From one DOS or Linux computer :

  1. Get 2 formatted 1,44 MB floppies.
    Download utils.zip .
    Copy 'bare.i' et 'root.gz' files on floppies.

    Linux users, or your 2 disks:
    'dd if=bare.i of=/dev/fd0H1440'
    'dd if=root.gz of=/dev/fd0H1440'

    DOS users:
    Load 'RAWRITE.EXE' program
    Run 'rawrite' nd follow instructions to create 2 disks with 'bare.i' and 'root.gz' respectively

  2. Get 12 dos formatted 1.4 MB floppies (for linux users : "mkdosfs"), number them carefully from 1 to 12.
    Download and unzip 'tinybase.zip'.
    Copy the _contents_ of each directory 'a1' to 'a12' onto your floppies.

  3. Feed your recycled machine floppy drive with disk number 1, reboot and follow instructions..

When your floppy-heap is over, you will be asked to reboot and there you are, under a clean Linux system.
Login as root. It is recommended that you immediately create one more "user".

Use 'root' only for software installation or configuration. It is DANGEROUS to use 'root' for everyday purposes..

- 2° step : package selection and further installation -

Your Linux system is working fine. Now you can go on with installation in a more convenient way.

First make a selection within the packages. You probably don't have disk space for everything, and be careful to keep enough space for the users' directories.
For a typical classroom standalone machine:
- server X you select with regard to your video card. Use 'SuperProbe' if necessary, to detect your video specifications.
- packages 'xbase', 'print', 'xprgm'

Then, pick an installation mode among these three :

Modem : (direct install)
  1. Check your connexion :
    'ifup0', then 'ifconfig', see if you get something like:
    "ppp0          Lien encap:point-to-point protocol
                         inetadr:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx etc... "
  2. 'ftp ftp2.seul.org/tiny'

Zip installation :
  1. We hope to settle a complete installation from a unique Zip disk during the next weeks.

'Laplink' cable:(with your "modern machine")
  1. Install package network on your recycled machine.
    If your modern machine is under Windows, get an ftp server and install it.
  2. Connect both machines with cable 'laplink'.
  3. Configure PLIP on old machine.
  4. On old machine, ftp packages from modern machine.

Finally, log as root and run 'pkgtool' to install your packages.

next: download
